Blackhat SEO Tactics

3 Blackhat SEO Tactics You Must Not be Tempted To Try

In any activity that brings rewards, especially financial ones, there will always be those who are tempted to use underhand tactics to gain an unfair advantage. The field of SEO, Link Building and SEO keyword strategy is no different, and there are countless examples of website owners trying to game Google’s algorithm, so that their website ranks higher.

Whilst some have succeeded, it is often a victory that is short-lived, and the whole time those website owners had the dubious pleasure of looking over their shoulders waiting for the moment Google eventually delisted their website.

Those who like to gamble with their website and their business may feel it is a risk worth taking, but for the majority who wish to build a sustainable and long-term business, blackhat is not the way to go.

Another problem with blackhat tactics is Google has become more and sophisticated in the way it crawls websites and in identifying the ranking factors within a website. For this reason, it has become harder to manipulate rankings by using some of the tactics that Google is totally opposed to, like the 3 outlined below.

  1. Paid for Links / Link Exchanges

It is incredible that these ventures still exist but unfortunately, they do. For a start, there is no guarantee that any of the links you buy carry much, if any, authority at all. Bear in mind the whole point of building backlinks is to get some of the authority of the site you are linking from to flow to your website. The only links that you can genuinely have any confidence in doing that, are natural, organic links which have been created legitimately.


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